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  • Takumi Ogata

    Doer of all things Daisy community, media, and support. Success!

  • Andrew Ikenberry

    Founder and chief tinkerer for the Daisy platform.

  • Catalina Garcia

    Lead of operations and making sure every Daisy gets to its new home.

  • Stephen Hensley

    Head maker at Electrosmith. You'll see him all over our repos.

  • Gabriel Ball

    Software engineer and resident Rust advocate.

  • Tara Tortarolo

    In charge of customer invoicing and fulfillment.

  • Michael Corell

    Marketing, social media, and documentation lead for anything you see or read about Daisy.

  • Bud

    Our team mascot and personality hire!

Our Community

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Daisy is used around the world by thousands of individuals; from hobbiest to educators and commercial companies. Join the conversation with them and our team on either of our community platforms.